Cold Brew Pitcher: Mastering the Perfect Iced Coffee at Home

cold brew pitchers

Are you tired of the traditional brewing methods and looking for a new way to enjoy a smooth and refreshing cup of coffee? Look no further than a cold brew pitcher. In this article, we will explore the world of cold brew pitchers, their benefits, how to choose the right one, and the steps to make a delicious cold brew using a pitcher.

Coffee lovers are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to savor their favorite beverage. Cold brew coffee has gained immense popularity in recent years, thanks to its smooth taste and low acidity. A cold brew pitcher is a specialized brewing device that allows you to make large batches of cold brew coffee easily. Let’s dive deeper into the world of cold brew pitchers and discover why they are a must-have for coffee enthusiasts.

What is a Cold Brew Pitcher?

A cold brew pitcher is a container specifically designed for making cold brew coffee. It typically consists of a pitcher or carafe with a built-in or removable filter. The filter helps to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid, resulting in a smooth and flavorful cold brew concentrate. Some pitchers also feature airtight lids or seals, allowing you to store the brewed coffee in the refrigerator for an extended period.

Cold Brew Pitcher Essentials

Cold Brew Vs Iced Coffee

When it comes to enjoying a refreshing cup of coffee, you might be wondering about the difference between cold brew and iced coffee. Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period (usually 12-24 hours). This process extracts the flavors from the coffee beans and results in a less acidic, smoother tasting coffee. On the other hand, iced coffee is traditionally brewed hot and then poured over ice, which can lead to a somewhat diluted taste.

Cold Brew Coffee Benefits

Switching to cold brew coffee can have some appealing benefits for your body and taste buds:

  • Reduced Acidity: Cold brew is less acidic than hot-brewed coffee, making it gentler on your stomach and teeth.
  • Enhanced Flavor: The cold brewing process produces a smoother and less bitter taste compared to iced coffee.
  • Health Benefits: Cold brew coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants, and its lower acidity can be beneficial for those who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn.

To make your own cold brew coffee at home, you’ll need a cold brew pitcher that efficiently filters and stores the concentrate. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a cold brew pitcher:

  1. Material: Look for a durable and shatterproof pitcher, such as one made from Tritan plastic.
  2. Filter: Choose a pitcher with a built-in stainless steel filter to keep coffee grounds contained.
  3. Leak-Proof Lid: A lid that seals tightly ensures your cold brew stays fresh and prevents any spills.
  4. Capacity: Consider the amount of cold brew coffee you plan to make and store in the pitcher; a 2.25-quart capacity should accommodate most home use.

By following these guidelines, you can prepare delicious cold brew coffee in your own kitchen and enjoy its numerous benefits. Happy brewing!

Choosing the Perfect Cold Brew Pitcher

Material and Design

When selecting the perfect cold brew pitcher, consider the material and design. You may opt for either a plastic or glass carafe, with borosilicate glass being a popular choice due to its durability and resistance to thermal shock. An attractive design is also important for displaying your pitcher on your countertop or in your refrigerator. Look for features such as a slim profile for easy storage and a silicone grip for comfortable handling.

Mesh Filter and Strainer Quality

A high-quality mesh filter and strainer are crucial components of a cold brew pitcher. The filter should be made from stainless steel for longevity and should be fine enough to keep coffee grounds from entering your brew. The strainer, often a part of the filter, should also be effective in separating the coffee grounds from the finished cold brew. This ensures a smooth and rich cup of coffee without any unwanted sediment.

Ease of Use and Cleaning

Your cold brew pitcher should be easy to use and clean. Look for features like a simple assembly, straightforward brewing instructions, and dishwasher-safe components. A well-designed pitcher makes the brewing process hassle-free and ensures that you can enjoy your cold brew without any fuss. Furthermore, ease of cleaning is essential to maintain the hygiene and taste of your coffee.

Size and Storage Options

Consider the size of the pitcher and its storage options. Your ideal cold brew pitcher should have an ample holding capacity tailored to your coffee consumption needs. Additionally, a compact design that can fit comfortably in your refrigerator ensures that your cold brew stays fresh and accessible. Seek out pitchers that can store your coffee conveniently and have airtight seals to prevent oxidation and maintain the brew’s flavor for an extended period.

Remember to assess each of these crucial factors while selecting the perfect cold brew pitcher for your home: material and design, mesh filter and strainer quality, ease of use and cleaning, and size and storage options. Finally, keep in mind the balance between aesthetics and functionality to suit your personal preferences. Happy brewing!

Brewing Process and Techniques

Coffee Grounds and Grind Size

When making cold brew in a pitcher, use coarsely ground coffee. If you’re grinding your own beans, aim for a grind similar to that used for a French press. Coarse grounds help prevent over-extraction, keeping your cold brew smooth and balanced. You could experiment with different coffee beans to find your preferred flavor profile.

Water Ratio and Brewing Time

For a standard cold brew recipe, use a 1:8 coffee-to-water ratio. For example, you need 1 cup of grounds for every 8 cups of water. Pour your coffee grounds into your cold brew pitcher, and gradually add room-temperature or cold water, ensuring the coffee grounds are saturated.

Next, cover the pitcher and place it in the refrigerator. The ideal brewing time for cold brew coffee is between 12 to 24 hours. If you prefer stronger flavor, you could brew for a longer period but avoid exceeding 24 hours to prevent any undesirable bitterness.

Concentrate and Dilution

After the brewing time, strain the mixture to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. This cold brew concentrate can be further diluted before drinking. A commonly recommended dilution ratio is 1:1, which means mixing equal parts concentrate and water. This ratio can be adjusted to your liking.

Remember that cold brew is versatile, and you can experiment with both the brewing and dilution process. Some flavorful twists include adding cream or coconut milk, or even seltzer to your final cold brew.

By following these guidelines, you can master the cold brew pitcher technique to create refreshing coffee at home.

Popular Cold Brew Pitcher Brands


Takeya is a reputable brand that offers reliable cold brew pitchers. Their cold brew maker is not only stylish, but it also has a smart sealable lid that keeps your coffee fresh and prevents leaks. The pros of choosing a Takeya cold brew pitcher include:

  • Easy-to-use design
  • Durable construction
  • Airtight seal
  • Leakproof lid
  • Affordable price

However, there are a few cons to consider as well:

  • The mesh filter may be difficult to clean
  • May not be as durable when compared to others on the market
  • Some users report that it is made in China which may be a concern for some

County Line Kitchen

County Line Kitchen is another popular brand that offers a high-quality cold brew system. It is known for its excellent performance and ability to create smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee. Some benefits of choosing their cold brew system include:

  • Unique brewing process that lowers acidity
  • Leak proof mason jar for convenience
  • Reputable brand with a long history in cold brew

Others Worth Considering

There are several other cold brew pitchers available that may be worth considering:

  • OXO Good Grips Cold Brew Coffee Maker: This option has excellent features and is known for its user-friendly design. It also has a reusable stainless steel mesh filter and a convenient release switch for pouring.
  • Bodum Bean Cold Brew Coffee Maker: This airtight and sealed pitcher produces strong, bold flavors without the acidity. It allows for storage and refrigeration of your coffee for up to two weeks.
  • Mueller Cold Brew Coffee Maker: This option offers a 2-quart heavy-duty Tritan pitcher and a reusable mesh filter. It has received more than 2,000 views in the past week alone.

When shopping for a cold brew pitcher, remember to consider your unique needs and preferences while taking into account factors such as durability, performance, price, and brand reputation. ActiveFormattingsafety, some manufacturers offer guarantees or warranties, which can provide added peace of mind when making your decision.

Multipurpose Cold Brew Pitchers

Iced Tea and Infused Water

A multipurpose cold brew pitcher can be your go-to option for making perfect iced tea and infused water recipes. These pitchers typically come with a built-in stainless steel filter or a separate tea infuser, allowing you to steep loose tea leaves or fruit directly in the at-home device.

When making iced tea, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill the stainless steel filter or tea infuser with your desired tea leaves or tea bags.
  2. Add cold water to the pitcher and place the filter or infuser inside.
  3. Let the tea steep in your refrigerator for a few hours.
  4. Remove the filter or infuser, and pour yourself a refreshing glass of iced tea.

For infused water, simply add sliced fruit, herbs, or veggies to the filter instead of tea leaves.

French Press and Pour Over Use

Multipurpose cold brew pitchers can also double as a French press or a pour over coffee maker. For this method, you will need:

  • Coarsely ground coffee
  • Hot water
  • A coffee filter (preferably a stainless steel filter, but some cold brew pitchers may require the use of paper filters)

To use your cold brew pitcher as a French press, follow these steps:

  1. Add the desired amount of coarsely ground coffee to the pitcher.
  2. Pour hot water over the coffee grounds.
  3. Stir the mixture gently, ensuring that all grounds are saturated.
  4. Place the stainless steel filter or paper filter on top.
  5. Let the coffee steep for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Press the filter down to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid.
  7. Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your favorite mug and enjoy.

For those who prefer pour over coffee, the process is slightly different:

  1. Place the paper filter into the pour over cone or the built-in stainless steel filter of your pitcher.
  2. Add coffee grounds to the filter.
  3. Heat water to the proper temperature (195-205°F).
  4. Slowly pour hot water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion.
  5. Allow the water to flow through the coffee grounds and into the pitcher.
  6. After all the water has passed through, discard the coffee grounds and filter.
  7. Serve the pour over coffee from your cold brew pitcher.

Keep in mind that if your cold brew pitcher has a removable filter, you may need to use a separate strainer to remove any sediment when using it. This way, you can enjoy a clean cup of coffee or tea every time.

Maintaining Your Cold Brew Pitcher

Cleaning Tips

To keep your cold brew pitcher in top condition, it’s essential to clean it regularly. Start by disassembling the pitcher and removing any removable parts such as the airtight lid and filter. Rinse each part with warm water to remove any coffee residue. If your cold brew pitcher is dishwasher-safe, you can place the components in the top rack of the dishwasher. However, if it’s not, use a soft sponge or cloth to gently clean each part with mild dish soap and warm water. For any hard-to-reach areas, a bottle brush can be helpful. If your pitcher has a built-in filter, you may need to rinse it twice or use cheesecloth to remove any lingering sediment. Always air dry the pitcher and its components to prevent moisture buildup.

Longevity and Damage Prevention

Taking proper care of your cold brew pitcher can significantly extend its life. Ensure that the airtight lid is tightly sealed to keep your cold brew fresh and prevent any spills, especially if it’s freezer- or stovetop-safe. A silicone sleeve can offer protection against bumps, scratches, and accidental drops. It also adds a touch of personalization with various color options available. When using your cold brew pitcher, always use coarsely ground coffee to avoid clogging the filter.

While your pitcher may be durable, avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, such as placing it directly on a stovetop burner or in a freezer without proper preparation. Following these guidelines will help you maintain your cold brew pitcher, ensuring that it remains functional and looking great for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use a pitcher?

To make cold brew coffee or tea using a pitcher, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill the carafe with fresh, filtered water.
  2. Add your coffee grounds or tea leaves to the infuser.
  3. Attach the lid, gently shake the pitcher, and then place it in the refrigerator for 12-36 hours. Your cold brew is ready when it reaches your desired strength.

Remember to use coarse coffee grounds for optimal results and prevent over-extraction. For cold brew tea, use the standard ratio of 1 tea bag or 1-1/2 teaspoons of loose tea per cup of water.

Can I make 5 gallons?

Yes, you can make 5 gallons of cold brew coffee or tea, but you may need to adjust the ratio of coffee grounds or tea leaves to water. Be sure to choose a large container that can accommodate such volume and use clean, filtered water to produce a high-quality cold brew.

Is it less healthy?

Cold brew coffee and tea are generally considered to be healthier than their hot-brewed counterparts. The cold brewing process reduces the amount of acidity in the final product, making it easier on the stomach and less likely to cause acid reflux. Additionally, cold brew tea contains fewer tannins, which can be beneficial for those sensitive to its astringent taste. However, keep in mind that the caffeine content may vary, so tailor your consumption to your personal tolerance.

Special coffee maker needed?

You don’t necessarily need a special coffee maker for cold brew; a regular pitcher and an infuser will suffice. However, specific cold brew coffee makers are available in the market, designed to streamline the process and ensure consistent quality. These coffee makers typically include an airtight lid, an infuser, and a carafe made of glass or BPA-free plastic. While not mandatory, dedicated cold brew coffee makers may provide a more convenient and efficient brewing experience.

Can I heat cold brew to make it hot?

Cold brew is meant to be enjoyed cold or over ice. Heating cold brew will alter its flavor profile and may result in a less desirable taste. If you prefer hot coffee, it is recommended to brew using traditional hot brewing methods.

A cold brew pitcher is a fantastic addition to any coffee lover’s collection. It provides a convenient and cost-effective way to enjoy smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee at home. By choosing the right pitcher, following the brewing steps, and implementing helpful tips, you can elevate your cold brew experience and indulge in refreshing coffee every day.

For more coffee brewing tips and recommendations, check out: