Low Acid Coffee in Grocery Stores: A Comprehensive Shopping Guide

low acid coffee in grocery store isle

Coffee is a popular beverage enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. However, for some individuals, the high acidity levels in regular coffee can cause discomfort and digestive issues. This has led to the rise in popularity of low-acid coffee, which offers a milder and gentler coffee experience. In this article, we will explore the world of low-acid coffee and discuss how you can find it in your local grocery stores.

Understanding Low Acid Coffee

Acidity in Coffee

Acidity is a natural component of coffee beans, coming from the organic acids formed during the growth and development of the beans. The acidity in coffee contributes to its flavor profile, including its brightness, sharpness, and fruitiness. However, high acidity can also cause discomfort for some individuals, particularly those susceptible to acid reflux or heartburn.

PH Levels

The pH level is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. Coffee typically has pH levels ranging from 4.85 to 5.10, making it slightly acidic. Factors such as the roast, origin, and processing of the beans can influence the coffee’s acidity. Dark roast beans tend to have lower acidity than light or medium roasts, as the roasting process can burn off some of the organic acids. Moreover, arabica beans are generally less acidic than robusta beans.

Low-Acid Coffee Benefits

Low-acid coffee offers a more comfortable drinking experience for those who experience acid reflux or heartburn from regular coffee. Some benefits of low-acid coffee include:

  • Reduced risk of acid reflux and heartburn. Low-acid coffee can help reduce the risk of acid reflux, a condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation. By opting for low-acid coffee, individuals prone to acid reflux can still indulge in their coffee cravings without exacerbating their symptoms.
  • Easier digestion and less irritation of the stomach lining. One of the primary benefits of low-acid coffee is that it is gentler on the stomach. People with sensitive digestive systems can enjoy a cup of coffee without experiencing discomfort or acid-related symptoms.
  • Preservation of tooth enamel, as high acidity, can erode enamel over time. Regular coffee has a high acid content, which can contribute to tooth enamel erosion over time. Low-acid coffee reduces this risk, making it a better choice for maintaining oral health.

Some low-acid coffee brands are specially made to have a lower acid content than conventional coffees, while others might use slow-steeping methods to reduce acidity. Some people find that switching to a darker roast or an organic, non-GMO coffee can help alleviate their acid-related issues.

When choosing a low-acid coffee, keep in mind your individual tastes and preferences, as well as your specific needs related to acidity. By finding the right balance, you can enjoy the benefits of coffee, including its rich flavor, caffeine boost, and antioxidants, without the discomfort of acid reflux or heartburn.

low acid coffee at whole foods grocery store

Mommee Coffee

Mommee Coffee offers a range of certified organic, low-acid coffee blends in various roasts, including medium and decaf. Sourced from a farm in Nicaragua, the whole beans are carefully selected to cater to sensitive stomachs.


Puroast specializes in dark roasts that are low in acid and gentle on sensitive stomachs. They offer both fair trade and single-origin options from Brazil and Sumatra. Their unique roasting process ensures a flavorful, easy-to-digest coffee experience.

Lifeboost Coffee

Lifeboost Coffee takes pride in providing low-acid, whole-bean coffees with minimal impact on sensitive stomachs. The beans are ethically sourced, non-GMO, and USDA-certified organic, making them ideal for a healthier coffee fix.

Java Planet

Java Planet offers a selection of low-acid coffees from South America, with popular options including their French roast and kosher, single-origin coffees. Their beans undergo a meticulous brewing process to ensure optimal taste and digestibility.


Simpatico is known for its low-acid coffee blends that help alleviate gastrointestinal issues related to GERD and indigestion. Sourced from Nicaragua, these beans boast a low pH level and flavorful taste without upsetting your stomach.

Purity Coffee

Purity Coffee offers a range of USDA-certified organic, low-acid coffee options made from single-origin beans. Their chemical-free bird-friendly blends cater to coffee lovers who value sustainability and face health issues caused by traditional coffee acidity.

Califia Farms

Califia Farms produces dark roast coffees and espresso beans with low-acid profiles. Their cold brew coffee is a popular option for those seeking a refreshing, low-acid alternative to traditional hot brewed coffee.

Fabula Coffee

Fabula Coffee offers flavorful, low-acid coffee blends that are gentle on the stomach. Their pesticide-free, shade-grown beans are roasted in small batches, ensuring a high-quality product for coffee lovers who suffer from allergies, inflammation, or tooth decay.

Brewing Methods

When it comes to enjoying low-acid coffee, the brewing method plays a significant role in the final acidity of your cup. In this section, we’ll explore different brewing techniques that can help you make a delicious cup of low-acid coffee in your own home.

Cold Brew

Cold brew is an excellent choice for those who prefer their coffee with a lower acidity level. By steeping coffee grounds in cold or room-temperature water for up to 24 hours, less bitterness and acid are extracted, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable drink. Plus, the slow steeping process allows for a more robust and complex flavor profile. To give it a try, simply combine coarse coffee grounds with cold water, let the mixture steep for an extended period, and then strain it to create your refreshing cold brew.


Espresso tends to have lower acidity than other brewing methods because of its short brewing time. The brewing process for an espresso or hot espresso drink lasts for only a few seconds. This process minimizes the amount of acid that filters into your cup, making espresso a suitable option for those looking to reduce acidity in their coffee. Furthermore, espresso machines typically use high pressure and water temperature, which can also contribute to a smoother result.

French Press

While the French Press technique is known for its full-bodied and rich flavor, it generally produces a more acidic coffee than other methods. However, there are ways to mitigate acidity levels in your French Press brew. Using a darker roast coffee, which has a lower acidity, and adjusting the water-to-coffee ratio to use less coffee can help you achieve a less acidic flavor. Additionally, experimenting with the brewing time (between 4-6 minutes) can also help you find the perfect balance for your taste buds.


Drip coffee makers are one of the easiest and most convenient brewing methods. Brewing with a drip machine, AeroPress, or pour-over dripper can yield a brew with less acidity when compared to other methods like the French Press and Moka Pot. This reduction in acidity is due to the use of paper filters, which can trap acidic compounds during the brewing process. To further reduce acidity in your drip coffee, you may consider using hard water, as it can neutralize some of the acidic components present in coffee.

Selecting Your Low Acid Coffee


When choosing a low-acid coffee, pay attention to the roast level. Dark roasts tend to be less acidic as they have fewer compounds that cause stomach cells to produce acid. Lighter roasts, on the other hand, have higher levels of acidity and may not be the best option for those with sensitive stomachs. Medium roasts offer a balance between the two, providing a smooth flavor without being too heavy on acidity.


Selecting the right type of bean is crucial when looking for low-acid coffee. For example, Arabica beans are generally lower in acidity compared to other varieties. You may also find that single-origin beans sourced from South America can provide a lower acid level. Decaf coffees are another option to consider, as they typically have a lower acidity than their caffeinated counterparts.


When it comes to low-acid coffee, it is essential to consider the sourcing of the beans. Beans grown at higher elevations are generally less acidic, making them a better option for those with sensitive stomachs. Additionally, single-origin beans offer unique flavor profiles without high levels of acidity, making them a great choice for low-acid coffee.


Certifications can provide reassurance about both the quality and sustainability of your low-acid coffee. Look out for USDA-certified organic brands like Purity Coffee to enjoy a chemical-free brew. Fair Trade certifications ensure ethical practices within the coffee industry, while Bird Friendly certifications guarantee the beans are grown in a way that supports bird habitats.

Remember to consider roast levels, beans, sourcing, and certifications while selecting a low-acid coffee, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying a delicious and stomach-friendly cup.

Incorporating low-acid coffee into your daily routine can enhance your coffee-drinking experience and provide relief for those with sensitive stomachs.

Remember that low-acid coffee may not be suitable for everyone, and individual tolerance levels can vary. It’s always a good idea to try small quantities first and observe how your body reacts.

In conclusion, low-acid coffee is a fantastic option for coffee lovers who want to enjoy a smooth and less acidic cup of coffee. With its potential health benefits and growing availability in grocery stores, you can easily incorporate low-acid coffee into your daily routine. So next time you visit your local grocery store, make sure to explore the coffee aisle and discover the wonderful world of low-acid coffee.


1. Can low-acid coffee completely eliminate acidity? While low-acid coffee is designed to reduce acidity, it may still contain trace amounts. However, it is generally gentler on the stomach and causes fewer acid-related issues compared to regular coffee.

2. Is low-acid coffee suitable for individuals with acid reflux? Yes, low-acid coffee can be a better option for individuals with acid reflux. Its reduced acidity levels can help minimize symptoms and provide a more enjoyable coffee experience.

3. Can I find low-acid coffee in decaf options? Yes, many brands offer low-acid coffee in decaffeinated versions. If you prefer to limit your caffeine intake, you can still enjoy the benefits of low-acid coffee.

4. How should I store low-acid coffee to maintain its freshness? To preserve the freshness of low-acid coffee, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This helps maintain its flavor and quality over time.

5. Is it possible to make low-acid coffee at home? Yes, you can make low-acid coffee at home by choosing specific coffee beans with lower acidity or using a cold brew method, which naturally reduces the acidity levels in the final brew.

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